By registering below, you consent to Events Global Solutions Pty Ltd may collect, use and disclose the personal information you have provided in this form for the purpose of providing marketing materials, possible updates related to this webinar in compliance with the applicable requirements by law under the GDPR.

Privacy Policy

We, Events Solutions Global Pty Ltd (also known as "TikShop Academy," "we," or "us"), value your privacy and are committed to protecting it. This Privacy Policy explains:
  • What information we collect from you when you use our website ( and other online services (collectively, our "Services").
  • How we collect, use, and protect that information.
This policy only applies to information we collect through our Services and the electronic communications related to them.


  • User: Refers to you, the person using our Services.
  • User Account: A section of our website where you provide necessary information during registration.
  • ​Content: Includes images, audio, video, and other information.

What Information Do We Collect?

We collect essential data to improve your experience, like your name, email, and address. This information is used according to this Privacy Policy. We do not tolerate spam and will never share your email with unauthorized parties.

How Do We Collect Information?

We collect information when you use our website or register for certain features. We also use tools like Google Analytics to track user behavior.

How Do We Use the Information?

We use collected information to enhance your visit, improve our services, and communicate with you about relevant topics.

How Do We Protect Your Information?

We implement various security measures to protect your personal data. However, no system is entirely risk-free. In case of a breach, we will notify you promptly.

Your Control Over Personal Data

You can review, update, or delete your personal information by contacting us. We encourage you to do so regularly.


You can stop using our website anytime. We may suspend your access if we believe you violate our policies or the law.

Children’s Privacy

We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. Parents are encouraged to supervise their children online.

Changes to This Policy

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy. Please check periodically for updates.

Governing Law

This Privacy Policy is governed by the laws of Australia. Any disputes will be resolved according to Australian law.


If you have questions or complaints regarding our Privacy Policy or Services, please contact us at

Refund Policy

For the benefit of our Clients, we offer a Money Back Guarantee.

If, for whatever reason, you are not happy with the Program, you may cancel your Enrolment, without penalty or obligation within 7 days from the date of your first payment. If you choose to cancel, any payments made by you under this Agreement will be returned to you within 1O days following our receipt of your notice to cancel. All cancellation queries and requests must be in writing and sent to

Outside of the initial 7 day period, refunds will be in accordance with our 180-Day Success Guarantee.


You can use the unsubscribe links located at the bottom of most messages, or you can email